The conferences FESP aims to gather various fire and soil researchers from all around the world, contribute to scientific communication in the fire and soil research and facilitate future collaboration.
The International Conference on Fire Effects on Soil Properties started in 2007 as the International Meeting of fire effects on soil properties. The meeting took place in Barcelona and it was organized by Mediterranean Environmental Research Group from Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. Since then, the conference has been held in Turkey, Portugal, Lithuania, Ireland, South Africa, Israel and Brazil. This time (2023) the conference is organised by Stichting TERRAenVISION and the Global Fire Partnership in The Netherlands.
The main subjects of the meeting are as follows:
1) Fires effects on biological, chemical, and physical soil properties;
2) Agricultural fires (e.g., slash-and-burn), wildfires, and prescribed fires, and laboratory fires;
3) Fire effects on vegetation, soils, and hydrology;
4) Soil recovery after fires;
5) New methodologies to study fire effects on soil;
6) Climate change and fire;
7) Traditional and cultural uses of fire (e.g., traditional community and native people) and the role of local and traditional ethno-ecological knowledge of fire;
8) Fire and Extreme weather effects on Soil Properties

The 2023 edition is organised in The Netherlands by Stichting Terraenvision and the Global Fire Partnership

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